
  1. Birs- 16w5006: Exploiting New Advances in Mathematics to Improve Calculations in Quantum Molecular Dynamics
  2. Birs- 16w5036: Mathematical and Statistical Challenges in Neuroimaging Data Analysis
  3. Birs- 16w5070: Vertex Algebras and Quantum Groups
  4. Birs- 16w5133: Equivariant Derived Algebraic Geometry
  5. Birs- 16w5145: Synchronizing Smooth and Topological 4-Manifolds
  6. Birs- 16w5067: Gauge/Gravity Duality and Condensed Matter Physics
  7. Birs- 16w5062: Homological Mirror Geometry
  8. Birs- 16w2669: Big Data Tsunami at the Interface of Statistics, Environmental Sciences and Beyond
  9. Birs- 16w5114: Lefschetz Properties and Artinian Algebras
  10. Birs- 16w5096: Interactions of Gauge Theory with Contact and Symplectic Topology in Dimensions 3 and 4
  11. Birs- 16w5023: Women in Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory (WINART)
  12. Birs- 16w5155: Free Resolutions, Representations, and Asymptotic Algebra
  13. Birs- 16w5076: Beta Ensembles: Universality, Integrability, and Asymptotics
  14. Birs- 16w2687: Alberta Number Theory Days VIII
  15. Birs- 16w5029: Quantum Computer Science
  16. Birs- 16w2679: 56th Cascade Topology Seminar
  17. Birs- 16w5080: Complex Analysis and Complex Geometry
  18. Birs- 16w5153: Algebraic, Tropical, and Nonarchimedean Analytic Geometry of Moduli Spaces
  19. Birs- 16w2681: Ted Lewis Math Fair Workshop 2016
  20. Birs- 16w5090: Variational Models of Fracture
  21. Birs- 16w5010: Flat Surfaces and Dynamics of Moduli Space
  22. Birs- 16w5160: Computational Modeling in Games
  23. Birs- 16w5008: Black Holes' New Horizons
  24. Birs- 16w5108: Operations in Highly Structured Homology Theories
  25. Birs- 16w5134: Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance - A Fruitful Partnership
  26. Birs- 16w5083: Dirichlet-to-Neumann Maps: Spectral Theory, Inverse Problems and Applications
  27. Birs- 16w5118: Ion Transport: Electrodiffusion, Electrohydrodynamics and Homogenization
  28. Birs- 16w5163: Computing the Universe: At the Intersection of Computer Science and Cosmology
  29. Birs- 16w5102: Recent Advances in Hydrodynamics
  30. Birs- 16w5017: Integrability and Near-Integrability in Mechanics and Geometry
  31. Birs- 16w5092: Uncertainty Modeling in the Analysis of Weather, Climate and Hydrological Extremes
  32. Birs- 16w5040: Triangulated Categories and Applications
  33. Birs- 16w5050: Coherent Structures in PDEs and Their Applications
  34. Birs- 16w5043: New Directions in Iwasawa Theory
  35. Birs- 16w5085: Random Structures in High Dimensions
  36. Birs- 16w5091: Developing a Comprehensive, Integrated Framework for Advanced Statistical Analyses of Observational Studies
  37. Birs- 16w5047: Geometric and Analytic Inequalities
  38. Birs- 16w5054: Geometric Analysis and General Relativity
  39. Birs- 16w2689: Surgery and Geometry
  40. Birs- 16w5039: Whittaker Functions: Number Theory, Geometry and Physics
  41. Birs- 16w5113: Stochastic and Deterministic Models for Evolutionary Biology
  42. Birs- 16w5111: Algebraic and Spectral Graph Theory
  43. Birs- 16w5074: EPIC - Enabling Process Innovation through Computation
  44. Birs- 16w5115: Computational Algebra and Geometric Modeling
  45. Birs- 16w5063: Newest Developments and Urgent Issues in Measurement Error and Latent Variable Problems
  46. Birs- 16w5049: Modular Categories--Their Representations, Classification, and Applications
  47. Birs- 16w2695: Geophysical Simulation and Inversion
  48. Birs- 16w5124: Geometrical Degrees of Freedom in Topological Phases
  49. Birs- 16w5003: Women in Mathematics in Latin America: Barriers, Advancements and New Perspectives
  50. Birs- 16w5069: Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications