
  1. Fields- Graduate Course: Computational commutative algebra and computational algebraic geometry - Professor Mike Stillman
  2. Birs- 25w5448: Mechanisitc Learning as a combination of Machine Learning and Modeling in Mathematical Oncology
  3. Fields- Fields Academy Shared Graduate Course: Numerical Algebraic Geometry
  4. Fields- Incorporating Technologies in Teaching Mathematics: Conference Honoring Ada Lovelace's Birthday
  5. Birs- 24w5260: Conformal and CR Geometry
  6. Fields- Mathematical Oncology: At the Crossroads of Computational Fluids, Mechanics, and Biology
  7. Fields- 2024-2025 ArtSci Salon
  8. Birs- 24w5177: Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves
  9. Birs- 24w5507: Cell and Tissue Mechanics: Modeling Meets Experiments
  10. Birs- 24w5257: Modeling, Learning and Understanding: Modern Challenges between Financial Mathematics, Financial Technology and Financial Economics
  11. Fields- 2024-2025 Quantitative Finance Seminar
  12. Fields- Fields Academy Shared Graduate Course: Lie Groups and Quantization
  13. Birs- 24w5504: Structured Mesh Methods for Moving Interface and Free Boundary Problems and Applications
  14. Birs- 24w5506: Cross-Fertilisation of ideas from the Riemann–Hilbert Technique and the Wiener–Hopf Method
  15. Birs- 24w5175: Cartan Subalgebras in Operator Algebras, and Topological Full Groups
  16. Mathtube- UCalgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar
  17. Birs- 24w5503: Nonlocal Problems in Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
  18. Birs- 24w5502: Noncommutative Geometry meets Topological Recursion
  19. Birs- 24w5505: Poisson Geometry and Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras
  20. Birs- 24w5207: Nonlinear Water Waves: Rigorous Analysis and Scientific Computing
  21. Fields- 2024-2025 Toronto Probability Seminar
  22. Fields- Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Immune Dynamics and Immunotherapies
  23. Birs- 24w5308: New Directions in Machine Learning Theory
  24. Fields- 2024-2025 Geometric Analysis Colloquium
  25. Fields- Frontiers in Computational and Mathematical Medicine
  26. Fields- The Ecology and Evolution of Cancer
  27. Fields- 2024-2025 Fields Number Theory Seminar
  28. Fields- Workshop on Defining New Simulation Frontiers for Dark Matter Discovery
  29. Birs- 24w5209: Dynamical Models Inspired by Biology
  30. Mathtube- L -Functions in Analytic Number Theory
  31. Fields- 2024-2025 Quantum Information Seminar
  32. Fields- Eastern Conference on Mathematical Finance
  33. Birs- 24w5272: New Perspectives in Colouring and Structure
  34. Birs- 24w5192: Partial Differential Equations: Deterministic and Probabilistic
  35. Birs- 24w5501: Geometry and Physics of Quantum Toroidal Algebra
  36. Birs- 24w5171: Towards Routine Orbital-free Large-Scale Quantum-Mechanical Modelling of Materials
  37. Birs- 24w5288: Computational Harmonic Analysis in Data Science and Machine Learning
  38. Birs- 24w5174: Group Operator Algebras: Classification, Structure and Rigidity
  39. Fields- 2024-2025 Geometric Structures Laboratory
  40. Fields- Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Treatments, Resistance, Optimization
  41. Fields- Fields Academy Shared Graduate Course: Geometry, Arithmetic, and Dynamics of Discrete Groups
  42. Birs- 24w5286: SocioEconomic Mathematical Epidemiology: Developing Mathematical Modelling Theory
  43. Fields- Mathematical Oncology Seminar
  44. Fields- Geometry and Physics Seminar
  45. Birs- 24w5196: Frontiers of Bayesian Inference and Data Science
  46. Birs- 24w5314: Stochastics and Geometry
  47. Fields- 10th International Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC-X)
  48. Fields- Graduate Course in Mathematical Oncology
  49. Fields- 2024-2025 Set Theory Seminar
  50. Birs- 24w5179: Combinatorial Nonpositive Curvature