
  1. Fields- Workshop on Hamiltonian Geometry and Quantization
  2. Birs- 24w5230: Non-Newtonian Flows in Porous Media
  3. Mathtube- 2024 CRM-PIMS Summer School in Probability
  4. Fields- Workshop on Complex Networks in Banking and Finance
  5. Fields- Fourth Symposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems
  6. Birs- 24w5273: Propagation and Stability in Evolution Equations
  7. Birs- 24w5297: Mathematics of Deep Learning
  8. Birs- 24w5309: Algebraic K-theory and Brauer Groups
  9. Birs- 24w5315: Formation of Looping Networks - from Nature to Models
  10. Birs- 24w5178: 6th Meeting of Mexican Mathematicians in the World
  11. Birs- 24w5218: Contemporary Challenges in Trefftz Methods, from Theory to Applications
  12. Birs- 24w5199: Mathematical and Statistical Tools for High Dimensional Data on Compressive Networks
  13. Birs- 24w5277: New Trends and Challenges in Stochastic Differential Games
  14. Birs- 24w5249: Mathematical Analysis of Soft Matter
  15. Mathtube- Comparative Prime Number Theory
  16. Birs- 24w5229: Computational Geometry
  17. Fields- Spec (Q¯(2πi))
  18. Birs- 24w5313: Homological Perspective on Splines and Finite Elements
  19. Birs- 24w5307: Quantum Circuit Design Automation
  20. Fields- Canadian Number Theory Association XVI (CNTA XVI)
  21. Birs- 24w5264: On the Interface of Geometric Measure Theory and Harmonic Analysis
  22. Fields- SCHOLAR II - A Scientific Celebration Highlighting Open Lines of Arithmetic Research
  23. Fields- Mini Course: Boundaries of Groups - Kim Ruane
  24. Fields- Workshop on Computational and Applied Enumerative Geometry
  25. Birs- 24w5283: Bridging Prediction and Intervention Problems in Social Systems
  26. Birs- 24w5254: Advances in Hierarchical Hyperbolicity
  27. Fields- Mini Course: Ribbon concordance and the Markov equation - Ian Agol
  28. Fields- Mini Course: Geometry of self-conformal sets and measures - Sascha Troscheit
  29. Fields- Nonlinear Days 2024: Dynamics of Group Actions and Random Walks on Groups
  30. Birs- 24w5263: Analysis of Complex Data: Tensors, Networks and Dynamic Systems
  31. Birs- 24w5201: Skew Braces, Braids and the Yang-Baxter Equation
  32. Fields- Mini Course: CAT(0) Cube Complexes and the Furstenberg-Poisson Boundary - Talia Fernós
  33. Fields- Mini Course: Random covers of graphs and surfaces - Doron Puder
  34. Birs- 24w5212: Building and Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning
  35. Fields- Fields-CFI Bootcamp on Machine Learning for Finance, 2024
  36. Fields- Mini Course: Counting curves on surfaces - Viveka Erlandsson
  37. Birs- 24w5227: Modern Methods for Differential Equations of Quantum Mechanics
  38. Fields- Mini Course: Universality and dimension dependence of critical phenomena: A case study on long-range percolation - Tom Hutchcroft
  39. Birs- 24w5300: Bootstrap Percolation and its Applications
  40. Fields- Mini Course: Random walks on hyperbolic-like groups - Alessandro Sisto
  41. Birs- 24w5241: Representation Theory and Topological Data Analysis
  42. Fields- Coxeter Lecture Series: Hugo Duminil-Copin
  43. Fields- Mini Course: Meanders & Meandric systems - Jacopo Borga
  44. Birs- 24w5217: Knot Theory Informed by Random Models and Experimental Data
  45. Birs- 24w2021: Combinatorial Optimization for Online Platforms
  46. Fields- Public Lectures: Giulio Tiozzo
  47. Fields- Mini Course: First Passage Percolation - Riddhipratim Basu
  48. Birs- 24w5226: Recent advances in Comparison Geometry
  49. Birs- 24w2020: Alberta Number Theory Days XV
  50. Birs- 24w5163: Optimal Transport and Distributional Robustness