- Birs- 23w5047: Silting in Representation Theory, Singularities, and Noncommutative Geometry
- Birs- 23w5062: Women in Geometry 3
- Fields- 2023-2024 Set Theory Seminar
- Fields- 2023-2024 Geometry and Model Theory Seminar
- Fields- Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Symmetry and Structure
- Fields- 2023-2024 Quantum Information Seminar
- Birs- 23w5140: Approximation Algorithms and the Hardness of Approximation
- Fields- 2023-2024 Colloquium on Mathematics for Public Health
- Fields- Graduate Course on the Tangent Groupoid in Noncommutative Geometry
- Birs- 23w5100: Geometry of HyperKahler Varieties
- Birs- 23w5044: Group Actions on Cantor Sets
- Birs- 23w5120: Mechanics of Cells and Polymer Networks: Bridging Theory, Simulation and Experiment
- Fields- Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Connections with Logic
- Fields- Graduate Course on K-Theory and C*-Algebras
- Birs- 23w5081: Gravity, Noncommutative Geometry, Cosmology
- Birs- 23w2708: 6th Brazil-Chile-Mexico Meeting on Singularities
- Birs- 23w5142: Mathematical Methods for Exploring and Analyzing Morphological Shapes across Biological Scales
- Birs- 23w5004: New Directions in Applied Linear Algebra
- Birs- 23w2015: Mathematical Challenges in Adaptation of Quantum Chemistry to Quantum Computers
- Fields- Inaugural CNAM-Fields Nonlinear Days: Renormalization and Friends
- Birs- 23w5049: Non-Linear Critical Point Theory in Analysis and Geometry
- Birs- 23w5132: Isogeny Graphs in Cryptography
- Birs- 23w2007: Emerging Mathematical Challenges in Synthetic Biological Network Design
- Fields- The 4th International Conference on Dynamics of Differential Equations
- Birs- 23w5025: Set-Theoretic Topology
- Birs- 23w5066: Partial Differential Equations in Fluid Dynamics
- Birs- 23w5073: Women in Mathematical Physics II
- Fields- Workshop on Constraint Systems: Distance Geometry, Structured Polynomials, Matrix Completion and Kinematics
- Birs- 23w5101: Curves: Algebraic, Tropical, and Logarithmic
- Birs- 23w5015: Applied and Computational Differential Geometry and Geometric PDEs
- Birs- 23w5095: Thermodynamic Formalism for Geodesic Flows
- Birs- 23w5002: New Trends in Fluids and Collective Dynamics
- Birs- 23w2014: Open-Source Tools to Enable Geophysical Data Processing and Inversion
- Fields- Research Seminar
- Birs- 23w5036: Inverse Problems and Nonlinearity
- Fields- Workshop on Geometric Constraints: Materials, Graphs and Matroids, Rigidity and Packings
- Birs- 23w5153: 3D Generative Models
- Fields- 2023-2024 Operator Algebra Seminar
- Birs- 23w5042: Leveraging Model- and Data-Driven Methods in Medical Imaging
- Birs- 23w5090: Single-Cell Plus - Data Science Challenges in Single-Cell Research
- Simons- 2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop
- MSRI- Introduction to Derived Algebraic Geometry (UC Berkeley)
- Birs- 23w5089: Women in Operator Algebras III
- MSRI- Algebraic Methods for Biochemical Reaction Networks (Leipzig, Germany)
- Birs- 23w5138: Equivariant Bordism Theory and Applications
- Birs- 23w2008: Alberta-Montana Combinatorics and Algorithms Day
- Birs- 23w5139: Geometry, Topology and Control System Design
- Birs- 23w5031: Knots, Surfaces, and 3-Manifolds
- Simons- Workshop: Ending Inflation & the Hot Big Bang
- MSRI- Formalization of Mathematics (SLMath)