
  1. Birs- 16w5140: Models and Algorithms for Crowds and Networks
  2. Birs- 16w2693: Robustness Theory and Methodology: Recent Advances and Future Directions
  3. Birs- 16w5021: Mathematical Problems of Orientationally Ordered Soft Solids
  4. Birs- 16w5044: Computational Complexity
  5. Birs- 16w5088: Bridges Between Noncommutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
  6. Birs- 16w5053: Set Theory and its Applications in Topology
  7. Birs- 16w5121: Integrodifference Equations in Ecology: 30 years and counting
  8. Birs- 16w5129: Analysis and Dynamics
  9. Birs- 16w5065: Asymptotic Patterns in Variational Problems: PDE and Geometric Aspects
  10. Birs- 16w5009: Modular Forms in String Theory
  11. Birs- 16w5027: Painleve Equations and Discrete Dynamics
  12. Birs- 16w5141: Modeling and Quantifying Cell Function: 25 years of Cell Mechanobiology
  13. Birs- 16w5136: Applied Harmonic Analysis, Massive Data Sets, Machine Learning, and Signal Processing
  14. Birs- 16w5120: New Trends in Graph Coloring
  15. Birs- 16w5064: Transversal, Helly and Tverberg type Theorems in Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology III
  16. Birs- 16w5048: Workshop in Analytic and Probabilistic Combinatorics
  17. Birs- 16w5112: Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Surface Waves
  18. Birs- 16w5038: Sparse Interpolation, Rational Approximation and Exponential Analysis
  19. Birs- 16w5123: Stable Processes
  20. Birs- 16w5095: Random Geometric Graphs and Their Applications to Complex Networks
  21. Birs- 16w5099: Interval Analysis and Constructive Mathematics
  22. Birs- 16w5087: Permutation Groups
  23. Birs- 16w5041: Mathematical Biology for Understanding Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface: a “One Health” Approach
  24. Birs- 16w5152: Complexity and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms
  25. Birs- 16w5030: Fifth Parallel-in-Time Integration Workshop
  26. Birs- 16w5025: Analytic Versus Combinatorial in Free Probability
  27. Birs- 16w5072: Algorithmic Randomness Interacts with Analysis and Ergodic Theory
  28. Birs- 16w5066: Geometric and Spectral Methods in Partial Differential Equations
  29. Birs- 17w5048: Transport in Unsteady Flows: from Deterministic Structures to Stochastic Models and Back Again
  30. Birs- 17w5018: String and M-theory geometries: Double Field Theory, Exceptional Field Theory and their Applications
  31. Birs- 17w5066: Combinatorial Reconfiguration
  32. Birs- 17w5140: Data-Driven Methods for Reduced-Order Modeling and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
  33. Birs- 17w5046: Newton-Okounkov Bodies, Test Configurations, and Diophantine Geometry
  34. Birs- 17w5104: Mathematical Approaches to Evolutionary Trees and Networks
  35. Birs- 17w5025: Validating and Expanding Approximate Bayesian Computation Methods
  36. Birs- 17w5036: Brain Dynamics and Statistics: Simulation versus Data
  37. Birs- 17w5165: Optimization and Inference for Physical Flows on Networks
  38. Birs- 17w5146: New Trends in Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Surfaces
  39. Birs- 17w2672: Alberta Number Theory Days (ANTD IX)
  40. Birs- 17w5147: Communication Complexity and Applications, II
  41. Birs- 17w5131: Statistical and Computational Challenges in Large Scale Molecular Biology
  42. Birs- 17w5116: Mostly Maximum Principle
  43. Birs- 17w5078: Generated Jacobian Equations: from Geometric Optics to Economics
  44. Birs- 17w5023: Geometric Structures on Lie Groupoids
  45. Birs- 17w5079: Quantum Field Framework for Structured Light Interactions
  46. Birs- 17w5093: Optimal Transport meets Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning
  47. Birs- 17w5110: Phase Transitions Models
  48. Birs- 17w5043: Topological Methods in Brain Network Analysis
  49. Birs- 17w5130: Beyond Toric Geometry
  50. Birs- 17w5027: Ordinary and Symbolic Powers of Ideals