
  1. Birs- 18w5139: New Frontiers in Multiphase CFD for the 21st Century Energy Mix
  2. Birs- 18w5057: Regularity and Blow-up of Navier-Stokes Type PDEs using Harmonic and Stochastic Analysis
  3. Birs- 18w5208: Theory and Practice of Satisfiability Solving
  4. Birs- 18w5134: Interacting Particle Systems and Parabolic PDEs
  5. Birs- 18w5025: Tau Functions of Integrable Systems and Their Applications
  6. Birs- 18w5059: Quantum Transport Equations and Applications
  7. Birs- 18w5078: Geometry and Physics of Quantum Curves
  8. Birs- 18w5129: Theoretical and Applied Stochastic Analysis
  9. Birs- 18w5021: Affine Algebraic Groups, Motives and Cohomological Invariants
  10. Birs- 18w5050: Symmetry Breaking in Discrete Structures
  11. Birs- 18w5088: The Traveling Salesman Problem: Algorithms & Optimization
  12. Birs- 18w5131: Geometric and Categorical Aspects of CFTs
  13. Birs- 18BIRS: Directors Retreat
  14. Birs- 18w5036: Spin Glasses and Related Topics
  15. Birs- 18w5053: Special Values of Automorphic L-functions and Associated p-adic L-Functions
  16. Birs- 18w5084: Moduli Spaces: Birational Geometry and Wall Crossings
  17. Birs- 18w5195: Fusion Categories and Subfactors
  18. Birs- 18w5193: Neostability Theory
  19. Birs- 18w5011: Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities
  20. Birs- 18w5130: Hessenberg Varieties in Combinatorics, Geometry and Representation Theory
  21. Birs- 18w5029: Crossing Numbers: Theory and Applications
  22. Birs- 18w5162: Intersection of Information Theory and Signal Processing: New Signal Models, their Information Content and Acquisition Complexity
  23. Birs- 18w5178: Stability Conditions and Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras
  24. Birs- 18w5202: Statistical and Computational Challenges in High-Throughput Genomics with Application to Precision Medicine
  25. Birs- 18w5023: Computational Statistics and Molecular Simulation: A Practical Cross-Fertilization
  26. Birs- 18w5144: Mathematical and Statistical Challenges in Bridging Model Development, Parameter Identification and Model Selection in the Biological Sciences
  27. Birs- 18w5180: Unifying Themes in Ramsey Theory
  28. Birs- 18w5155: Model Theory and Operator Algebras
  29. Birs- 18w5115: Mathematical Challenges in the Analysis of Continuum Models for Cancer Growth, Evolution and Therapy
  30. Birs- 18w5152: Integrating the Integrators for Nonlinear Evolution Equations: from Analysis to Numerical Methods, High-Performance-Computing and Applications
  31. Birs- 18w5151: Shape Analysis, Stochastic Geometric Mechanics and Applied Optimal Transport
  32. Birs- 19w5231: Models and Algorithms for Sequential Decision Problems under Uncertainty
  33. Birs- 19w5131: Representation Theory Connections to (q,t)-Combinatorics
  34. Birs- 19w5035: Optimal Transport Methods in Density Functional Theory
  35. Birs- 19w5128: The role of Genomics and Metagenomics in Human Health
  36. Birs- 19w2256: First Year Mathematics Repository Workshop
  37. Birs- 19w5032: Frontiers in Single-cell Technology, Applications and Data Analysis
  38. Birs- 19w5207: Phase-Field Models of Fracture
  39. Birs- 19w5101: Mathematical Criminology and Security
  40. Birs- 19w5226: The Topology of Nucleic Acids: Research at the Interface of Low-Dimensional Topology, Polymer Physics and Molecular Biology
  41. Birs- 19w5137: Multivariable Spectral Theory and Representation Theory
  42. Birs- 19w5188: New and Evolving Roles of Shrinkage in Large-Scale Prediction and Inference
  43. Birs- 19w5238: Probing the Earth and the Universe with Microlocal Analysis
  44. Birs- 19w5146: Quantum Walks and Information Tasks
  45. Birs- 19w2267: Ted Lewis SNAP Math Fair Workshop
  46. Birs- 19w5094: Geometrical Tools for String Cosmology
  47. Birs- 19w5148: Modelling of Thin Liquid Films-Asymptotic Approach vs. Gradient Dynamics
  48. Birs- 19w5065: Nonlinear Geometric PDE's
  49. Birs- 19w5145: $G_2$ Geometry and Related Topics
  50. Birs- 19w2262: Alberta Number Theory Days XI (ANTD XI)