
  1. Birs- 12w5008: Lie algebras, torsors and cohomological invariants
  2. Birs- 12w5055: Graph Searching
  3. Birs- 12w5081: Topological data analysis and machine learning theory
  4. Birs- 12w5020: Recent Advances in Transversal and Helly-type Theorems in Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology
  5. Birs- 12w5049: New Trends in Noncommutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
  6. Birs- 12w5073: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcation in Modern Nonlinear Physical Systems
  7. Birs- 12w5013: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and Numerical Simulation
  8. Birs- 12w5076: First Nations Math Education
  9. Birs- 12w2189: Early Years Spatial Reasoning: Learning and Teaching
  10. Birs- 12w5080: Cohomological methods in geometric group theory
  11. Birs- 12w5098: String Theory and Generalized Geometries
  12. Birs- 12w5035: Thin Liquid Films and Fluid Interfaces: Models, Experiments and Applications
  13. Birs- 13w5055: New Perspectives on the $N$-body Problem
  14. Birs- 13w5135: Selective transport through biological and bio-mimetic nano-channels: mathematical modeling meets experiments
  15. Birs- 13w5062: Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling
  16. Birs- 13w5158: Topological Phenomena in Quantum Dynamics and Disordered Systems
  17. Birs- 13w5054: Holography and Applied String Theory
  18. Birs- 13w5139: Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems
  19. Birs- 13w5136: Asymptotics of Large-Scale Interacting Networks
  20. Birs- 13w5032: Applications of Iwasawa Algebras
  21. Birs- 13w5060: Interplay of convex geometry and Banach space theory
  22. Birs- 13w5100: CosmoStat2013: Statistical challenges from large data sets in cosmology and particle physics
  23. Birs- 13w5037: Interactions of gauge theory with contact and symplectic topology in dimensions 3 and 4
  24. Birs- 13w5106: Partial differential equations in the social and life science: emergent challenges in modeling, analysis, and computations
  25. Birs- 13w5108: Mapping Class Groups and Categorification
  26. Birs- 13w5019: Arithmetic Groups
  27. Birs- 13w5049: Graph algebras: Bridges between graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras
  28. Birs- 13w5005: Whitney Problems
  29. Birs- 13w5018: Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics
  30. Birs- 13w5141: The Art of Iterating Rational Functions over Finite Fields
  31. Birs- 13w2179: Alberta Number Theory Days 2013
  32. Birs- 13w5095: Impact of climate change on biological invasions and population distributions
  33. Birs- 13w5146: Non-Gaussian Multivariate Statistical Models and their Applications
  34. Birs- 13w5080: Mathematical tools for evolutionary systems biology
  35. Birs- 13w5134: Refined invariants in geometry, topology and string theory
  36. Birs- 13w5061: Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Related Models
  37. Birs- 13w5042: Rules of protein-DNA recognition: computational and experimental advances
  38. Birs- 13w5069: Water waves: computational approaches for complex problems
  39. Birs- 13w5010: Computational Complexity
  40. Birs- 13w5004: Mathematics and Mechanics in the Search for New Materials
  41. Birs- 13w5033: Permutation Groups
  42. Birs- 13w5059: Spectral Theory of Laplace and Schroedinger Operators
  43. Birs- 13w5040: Metric Geometry, Geometric Topology and Groups
  44. Birs- 13w5083: Statistical Data Integration Challenges in Computational Biology: Regulatory Networks and Personalized Medicine
  45. Birs- 13w5064: Integrable Systems and Moduli Spaces
  46. Birs- 13w5008: Modeling High-Frequency Trading Activity
  47. Birs- 13w5007: Random Measures and Measure-Valued Processes
  48. Birs- 13w2162: Workshop on Stochasticity in Biochemical Reaction Networks
  49. Birs- 13w5036: Geometry and Inverse Problems
  50. Birs- 13pl001: Gunther Uhlmann, Harry Potter's Cloak