
  1. Birs- 21w5070: Mathematical Statistics and Learning
  2. Simons- Workshop: Ending Inflation and the Hot Big Bang
  3. Fields- LGBTQ+Math Day
  4. Fields- 2021-2022 Blockchain Research Seminar Series
  5. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on the Drury-Arveson Space
  6. Birs- 21w5505: Moving Frames and their Modern Applications
  7. Birs- 21w5235: Graph Product Structure Theory
  8. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on the Non-commutative Function Theory
  9. Birs- 21w5228: Basic Functions, Orbital Integrals, and Beyond Endoscopy (Online)
  10. Birs- 21w5512: Algebraic Dynamics and its Connections to Difference and Differential Equations
  11. Birs- 21w5509: Derived, Birational, and Categorical Algebraic Geometry
  12. Birs- 21w5066: Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy: From Mathematical Modelling to Machine Learning
  13. Fields- MfPH Next Generation Seminar Series
  14. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on Discrete and Continuous Semigroups of Composition Operators
  15. Fields- 2021-2022 Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar
  16. Fields- Special Lectures in Honor of Anand Pillay's 70th birthday
  17. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on the Corona Problem
  18. Birs- 21w5009: Statistical Aspects of Non-Linear Inverse Problems (Online)
  19. Birs- 21w5171: Strings: Geometry and Symmetries for Phenomenology (Online)
  20. Birs- 21w5049: Locally Conformal Symplectic Manifolds: Interactions and Applications (Online)
  21. Birs- 21w5504: New Directions in Geometric Flows
  22. Mathtube- PIMS Network Courses
  23. Birs- 21w5121: Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Topology Beyond Semisimplicity
  24. Birs- 21w5514: Dynamical Algebraic Combinatorics
  25. Birs- 21w2505: Alberta Number Theory Days XIII
  26. Mathtube- PIMS Network Courses, Differential Equations and Algebraic Geometry
  27. Mathtube- Workshop on Mean Field Games on Networks
  28. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on Blaschke Products and Inner Functions
  29. Fields- 2021 Fields Medal Symposium: Peter Scholze
  30. Birs- 21w5239: Geometry & Learning from Data (Online)
  31. Birs- 21w5136: Gravitational Emergence in AdS/CFT
  32. MSRI- [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Integrable Structures in Random Matrix Theory and Beyond
  33. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on Truncated Toeplitz Operators
  34. Birs- 21w5117: Real Polynomials: Counting and Stability (Online)
  35. Birs- 21w5154: Mathematics of the Cell: Integrating Signaling, Transport and Mechanics
  36. Simons- Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries
  37. Fields- Special Lecture in Honor of Angus Macintyre's 80th birthday
  38. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on Operators on Function Spaces
  39. Birs- 21w5011: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: Duality, Stability, and Computations
  40. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on de Branges-Rovnyak Spaces
  41. Birs- 21w5205: Lattices and Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: Geometric and Computational Viewpoints (Online)
  42. Fields- 2021-2022 Quantitative Finance Seminar
  43. Fields- Fields-CFI Bootcamp on Machine Learning for Quantitative Finance
  44. Fields- Mini-course and Workshop on Bounded Mean Oscillation
  45. Fields- Cyclic Cohomology at 40: achievements and future prospects
  46. Birs- 21w5225: Modeling and Computational Approaches to Individual and Collective Cell Movement in Complex Environments (Online)
  47. Birs- 21w5503: Singularity Formation in Nonlinear PDEs (Online)
  48. Birs- 21w5005: Connecting Network Structure to its Dynamics: Fantasy or Reality? (Online)
  49. Simons- Della Pietra 2021-2022
  50. Simons- Workshop: Geometry of (S)QFT