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Joint distribution of central values and orders of Sha groups of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve

Peng-Jie Wong

As a refinement of Goldfeld’s conjecture, there is a conjecture of Keating–Snaith asserting that $\log L(1/2,E_d)$ for certain quadratic twists $E_d$ of an elliptic curve $E$ behaves like a normal random variable. In light of this, Radziwill and Soundararajan conjectured that the distribution of $\log(|Sha(E_d)|/\sqrt{|d|}$ is approximately Gaussian for these $E_d$, and proved that the conjectures of Keating–Snaith and theirs are both valid “from above”. More recently, under GRH, they further established a lower bound for the involving distribution towards Keating–Snaith’s conjecture. In this talk, we shall discuss the joint distribution of central values and orders of Sha groups of $E_d$ and how to adapt Radziwill–Soundararajan’s methods to study upper bound and lower bounds for such a joint distribution if time allows.


Mathtube- Comparative Prime Number Theory