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Existence, Stability and Slow Dynamics of Spikes in a 1D Minimal Keller–Segel Model with Logistic Growth
We analyze the existence, linear stability, and slow dynamics of localized 1D spike patterns for a Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis that includes the effect of logistic growth of the cellular population. Our analysis of localized patterns for this two-component reaction-diffusion (RD) model is based, not on the usual limit of a large chemotactic drift coefficient, but instead on the singular limit of an asymptotically small diffusivity of the chemoattractant concentration field. In the limit, steady-state and quasi-equilibrium 1D multi-spike patterns are constructed asymptotically. To determine the linear stability of steady-state N-spike patterns, we analyze the spectral properties associated with both the “large” O(1) and the “small” o(1) eigenvalues associated with the linearization of the Keller-Segel model. By analyzing a nonlocal eigenvalue problem characterizing the large eigenvalues, it is shown that N-spike equilibria can be destabilized by a zero-eigenvalue crossing leading to a competition instability if the cellular diffusion rate exceeds a threshold, or from a Hopf bifurcation if a relaxation time constant is too large. In addition, a matrix eigenvalue problem that governs the stability properties of an N-spike steady-state with respect to the small eigenvalues is derived. From an analysis of this matrix problem, an explicit range of cellular diffusion rate where the N-spike steady-state is stable to the small eigenvalues is identified. Finally, for quasi-equilibrium spike patterns that are stable on an O(1) time-scale, we derive a differential algebraic system (DAE) governing the slow dynamics of a collection of localized spikes. Unexpectedly, our analysis of the KS model with logistic growth in the small chemical diffusion rate regime is rather closely related to the analysis of spike patterns for the Gierer-Meinhardt RD system.
This paper is a joint work with Professor Michael J. Ward and Juncheng Wei.