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Enumerative geometry of singular Calabi-Yau threefolds associated to hybrid GLSMs

Sheldon Katz

This talk explores the relationship between certain hybrid GLSMs and the enumerative geometry of singular Calabi-Yau threefolds determined from their superpotentials. To make sense of the enumerative geometry, the singularities of these Calabi-Yaus need to be resolved, either by non-Kahler small resolutions with a nontrivial Brauer class, or by noncommutative resolutions. We claim that the topological string partition function of these small resolutions can be computed form the sphere partition of the GLSMs together with B-model techniques. Performing the geometric calculations on the resolutions, we find complete agreement. The main example will be the singular double cover of P^3 branched along the singular degree 8 hypersurface defined by the vanishing the determinant of a generic 8x8 symmetric matrix of linear forms on P^3. This talk is based on joint work with Eric Sharpe, Thorsten Schimannek, and Albrecht Klemm, and joint work in progress with Thorsten Schimannek.


Simons- Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30