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Skyrmions, 2d (0,2) boundaries, and quivers

Sergei Gukov

In this talk we will explore a class of 3d N=2 theories labeled by graphs and related to quivers in an unusual way. Unlike quiver gauge theories --- a class of Lagrangian field theories widely used in modern QFT --- theories that we consider are non-Lagrangian, in a sense that they can be defined as IR fixed points of gauge fields coupled to non-linear matter as in the Skyrme models of nuclei. Just like the physics of the Skyrme model is intimately tied to symmetries of QCD, generalized symmetries play an important role in these 3d N=2 theories. The connection to quivers, on the other hand, arises in a way that is not standard in modern particle physics, but is standard in the study of logarithmic CFTs and motivic DT invariants.


Simons- Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30