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Motivic Superpolynomials and LGSM for Singularities

Ivan Cherednik

We will begin with LGSM with superpotentials W(x,y) associated with plane curve singularities. The new vintage is when their compactified Jacobians and Bun (torsion free sheaves) are considered. The corresponding motivic superpolynomials will be defined, presumably coinciding with colored Khovanov-Rozansky polynomials for algebraic links and DAHA superpolynomials. The latter are connected with QKZ, Kac-Moody algebras etc. So they are linked to SCFT: superpotentials are not needed for them. The functional equation for motivic superpolynomials and the corresponding Riemann Hypothesis will be discussed at the end. If time permits, I will state the Lee-Yang circle theorem (Ising models), which clarifies what RH of this kind can be physically.


Simons- Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories