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Exotic Theories with Dipole Symmetries

Ho Tat Lam

I will discuss exotic theories with dipole global symmetries and dipole gauge symmetries. Examples of these theories include the compact Lifshitz theory and a tensor gauge theory that has fractons. To resolve various subtleties in the precise meaning of these global or gauge symmetries, we place these theories on a lattice and then take the continuum limit. Interestingly the continuum limit is not unique. Different limits lead to different continuum theories, whose operators, defects, global symmetries, etc., are different. Since these theories are non-relativistic, we need to distinguish global symmetries that act on defects and on operators. We refer to the global symmetries that act on defects as timelike global symmetries. Using these timelike global symmetries, we can phrase the mobility restrictions of defects (including those of fractons) as consequences of global symmetries.


Simons- Workshop: Generalized Global Symmetries, Quantum Field Theory, and Geometry