Talk page

Central Charges and Higgs-Coulomb Correspondence in Abelian GLSMs

Konstantin Aleshkin

Gauged Linear Sigma Models provide a useful framework to generalize enumerative theories like GW theory of complete intersections in GIT quotients and Landau Ginzburg models. Central charges are certain convenient generating functions of intersection numbers associated to B-model branes. We establish Higgs-Coulomb correspondence that provides Mellin-Barnes type integral representation for the central charges. The integral representation allows to write down the wall-crossing for GLSMs. We also comment on how the central charges have another Euler type mirror integral representation where the integration contours are constructed using a version of Coherent-Constructible correspondence. The talk is based on works in progress with Melissa Liu.


Simons- Program: Integrability, enumerative geometry and quantization