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Thermal Stress Tensor Correlators through the Lens ofAdS/CFT: the OPE and Holography

Valentina Prilepina

In this talk, I will work in the context of strongly coupled conformal field theories(CFTs) with a large central charge. In such theories, an important set of operators are the stress tensor and its composites, referred to as the multi-stress tensors. Here I will examine the OPE expansion of two-point functions of the stress tensor, restricting attention to the contributions due to single and double-stress tensor exchange in the OPE. Throughout, I will study CFTs in four space time dimensions. I will show that comparing these results to the holographic finite temperature two-point functions empowers us to read off CFT data beyond the leading order in the large central charge expansion. Specifically, this procedure allows us to extract corrections to the OPE coefficients that completely fix the near-lightcone behavior of the correlators. In addition, it yields the anomalous dimensions of the double-stress tensor operators. I will begin by describing our overall goal and methods. I will then proceed to the bulk side, discussing how to compute the stress tensor two-point function in a near-boundary expansion.Next, I will cross over to the CFT side and elucidate the OPE expansion of the stress tensor thermal two-point functions. Thereafter, I will compare these CFT results to their bulk counterparts and expound how to read off the CFT data.


Simons- Physics Seminar