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Quantum Hall states as a quantum rotating superfluid

Paul Wiegmann

Since early days of superfluidity quantum liquids were central to understanding collective quantum matter. Apart from superconductors, two quantum liquids: superfluid Helium and (fractional) quantum Hall states are the most studied and measured. The aim of this talk is to emphasize an intimate relation between the two. In short, the theory of fast rotating superfluid is formally equivalent to that of FQHE under identifying the frequency of rotation of the superfluid with the Larmor frequency, vortices with electrons and the ratio between vortices and the number of atoms in superfluid with the filling fraction in FQHE.The physical difference between the two is that the hydrodynamics of the superfluid helium is semiclassical, while that of FQH states is ultra quantum.


Simons- talk