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Stable field excitations around static fermions in gauge Higgs theories

Jeff Greensite

It is well known that the flux tube between a static quark-antiquark pair has a spectrum of string-like excitations in a confining gauge theory. In this talk I will provide numerical evidence that there is also a spectrum of excitations for the gauge + scalar fields surrounding isolated static fermions in the Higgs phase of gauge Higgs theories, where no color flux tube exists. The examples to date are SU(3) and abelian gauge Higgs theories, the non-relativistic Landau-Ginzburg model, and a U(1) chiral (Smit-Swift) gauge Higgs theory. In all of these cases we show the existence of localized stable excitations of the field surrounding isolated static charges. This would appear as a mass spectrum for isolated (and non-composite)


Simons- Virtual Summer Seminar Series: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD