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The Manhattan Curve and Rough Similarity Rigidity

Ryokichi Tanaka

For every non-elementary hyperbolic group, we consider the Manhattan curve, which was originally introduced by M. Burger (1993), associated to any pair of (say) word metrics. It is convex; we show that it is continuously differentiable and moreover is a straight line if and only if the corresponding two metrics are roughly similar, that is, they are within bounded distance after multiplying by a positive constant. I would like to explain how it is related to central limit theorem for uniform counting measures on spheres, to ergodic theory of topological flows built on general hyperbolic groups, and to multifractal structure of Patterson-Sullivan measures. Furthermore I will present some explicit examples including a hyperbolic triangle group and compute the exact value of the mean distortion for a pair of word metrics by using automatic structures of the group. Joint work with Stephen Cantrell (University of Chicago).


Mathtube- Pacific Dynamics Seminar