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Quantum chaos of chiral edge states

Biao Lian

1+1D chiral edge states arise on the edges of 2+1D chiral topological phases. Interacting chiral edge states at low energies are usually believed to be described by integrable chiral Luttinger liquid theories, which allows the study of their coherent interferences. We show that marginal interactions can lead to quantum chaos in chiral edge states at low energies. For N identical chiral Majorana fermion modes with generic 4-fermion interactions, we find the system is integrable when N<=6, while is quantum chaotic when N>=7. In the large N limit, the system defines a chiral SYK model, the chaos exponent of which can be solved analytically. We further discuss interacting models hosting Abelian anyons which show quantum chaos. In particular, we show that the chaotic correlation of Abelian anyons decomposes into a statistical factor times a fermion correlator.


Simons- Workshop: Quantum Hall Effect: Status Report