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Quasi-mobius maps between Morse boundaries of CAT(0) spaces

Ruth Charney

The Morse boundary of a geodesic metric space is a topological space consisting of equivalence classes of geodesic rays satisfying a Morse condition.  A key property of this boundary is quasi-isometry invariance:  a quasi-isometry between two proper geodesic metric spaces induces a homeomorphism on their Morse boundaries.  In the case of a hyperbolic metric space, the Morse boundary is the usual Gromov boundary and Paulin proved that this boundary, together with its quasi-mobius structure, determines the space up to quasi-isometry.  I will discuss an analogue of Paulin’s theorem for Morse boundaries of CAT(0) spaces.  This is joint work with Devin Murray.


MSRI- Groups acting on CAT(0) spaces