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Connectivities of Potts Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters and Liouville time-like correlator

Jacopo Viti

I will consider the problem of computing the probability that three points are in the same Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster at the critical point in the Q-state Potts model. Such probability is related to a conformal invariant three-point function and I will conjecture that this three-point function is given by a suitable analytic continuation of the structure constants of the conformal minimal model. The analytic continuation is the same obtained by Al. Zamolodchikov and Kostov-Petkova in the study of the so-called time-like Liouville field theory. Very accurate numerical simulations which confirm the conjecture are discussed at the end of the talk.Related Papers:


Simons- Workshop 2012-2013ay - Conformal Invariance