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When is a Stein structure merely symplectic?

Chris Wendl

The study of Stein manifolds and their symplectic geometry has increasingly been dominated by the question of "rigid vs. flexible", e.g. subcritical Stein manifolds satisfy an h-principle, so their Stein homotopy type is determined by the homotopy class of the almost complex structure. I will show that in dimension 4, there is a much larger class of Stein domains that exist somewhere between rigid and flexible: while the h-principle does not hold in a strict sense, their Stein deformation type is completely determined by their symplectic deformation type. This result depends on some joint work with Sam Lisi and Jeremy Van Horn-Morris involving the relationship between Stein structures and Lefschetz fibrations, which can sometimes be realised as foliations by J-holomorphic curves.


Simons- Program: Low Dimensional Topology (Spring 2013)