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QCD Topology, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Deconfinement

Edward Shuryak

We start with the relation between the chiral symmetry breaking and gauge field topology. New lattice result further enhance the notion of Zero Mode Zone, a very narrow strip of states with quasizero Dirac eigenvalues, which is as fundamental for this field as Fermi sphere is for condense matter theory. Progress in understanding of topology require introduction of nonzero holonomy $\neq 0$, which splits instantons into $N_c$ (anti)selfdual ``instanton-dyons". Qualitative progress, as well as first numerical studies of the dyon ensemble are reported. New connections between chiral symmetry breaking and confinement are recently understood: instanton-dyons generate holonomy potential with a minimum at a confining value, if the ensemble is dense enough.


Simons- Workshop: Quantum Anomalies and Hydrodynamics: Applications to Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics