Talk page

Khovanov homology and homotopy III

Robert Lipshitz

In the first talk we will give the original definition of Khovanov homology, as well as the Lee and Bar-Natan deformations and Rasmussen’s concordance invariant s. In the second talk we will introduce the notion of flow categories in Morse theory and Floer theory, and discuss Cohen-Jones-Segal’s program for constructing Floer stable homotopy types. Using this idea, we will discuss a stable homotopy refinement of Khovanov homology; this is joint work with Sucharit Sarkar. In the third talk we will discuss a refinement of Rasmussen’s s-invariant using the Khovanov homotopy type (again joint with Sarkar) and another construction of a Khovanov homotopy type (joint with Tyler Lawson and Sarkar).


Simons- Graduate Workshop on 4-Manifolds