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SYZ mirror symmetry and semi-classical analysis

Kwokwai Chan

In 2005, Fukaya described an approach to SYZ mirror symmetry by relating both the A-model on a space and the B-model on its mirror to Witten-Morse theory of certain multi-valued functions on the base of a Lagrangian torus fibration. In this talk, I will report on progress towards this approach, based on recent joint work (some in progress) with Conan Leung and Ziming Ma. Our main assertion is that semi-classical limits (or leading order terms) of solutions of the relevant Maurer-Cartan equation would produce tropical data such as scattering diagrams and counting of tropical disks, which should correspond to holomorphic curves on the A-side.


Simons- Workshop: Collapsing Calabi-Yau Manifolds