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The mother body phase transition in the normal random matrix model

Pavel Bleher

We consider the normal matrix model with cubic plus linear potential. In order to regularize the model, we introduce a cut-off. In the large size limit, the eigenvalues of the model accumulate uniformly within a certain domain Ω independent of the cut-off. We study in detail the mother body problem associated to Ω. It turns out that the mother body measure displays a novel phase transition, which we call the mother body phase transition: although ∂Ω evolves analytically, the mother body measure undergoes a “one-cut to three-cut” phase transition. We consider multiple orthogonal polynomials associated to the normal matrix model. Developing the Deift—Zhou nonlinear steepest descent method to the associated Riemann--Hilbert problem, we obtain strong asymptotic formulas for these polynomials, and we prove that the distribution of their zeros converges to the mother body measure.


Simons- Program: Statistical mechanics and combinatorics