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Physically realizing modular transformations in topologically ordered phases of matter

Maissam Barkeshli

Topologically ordered phases of matter are well-known to give rise to a topologically protected degenerate set of ground states when the spatial manifold has non-trivial topology. The ground state subspace forms a unitary representation of the mapping class group of the space. In this talk, I will show how to realize elements of the mapping class group through a sequence of topological charge projections. I will further discuss how the topological charge projections can be realized by adiabatically tuning microscopic parameters of the system along various paths in the space. Finally I will discuss potential experimental realizations using bilayer fractional quantum Hall states, where topologically non-trivial spaces can be effectively realized by controlling tunneling terms along various disconnected boundaries of the system.


Simons- Workshop: Geometry of Quantum States in Condensed Matter Systems