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Unveiling the entanglement structure of the Kondo singlet

Adrian Feiguin

Entanglement is a basis dependent problem. We use symmetries to transform the Hamiltonian to a representation where the entanglement the computational complexity of the problem is reduced exponentially. We illustrate this method with applications to single and multi-impurity problems in arbitrary lattices of any spacial dimension. In addition, we disentangle all the individual degrees of freedom in the quantum impurity problem to deconstruct the Kondo singlet, both in real and energy space, by studying the contribution of each individual free electron eigenstate. This is a problem of two spins coupled to a bath, where the bath is formed by the remaining conduction electrons. Being a mixed state, we resort to the "concurrence'' to quantify entanglement. We identify "projected natural orbitals'' that allow us to individualize a single-particle electronic wave function that is responsible of more than 90% of the screening.


Simons- Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems