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Seiberg-Witten monopoles with multiple spinors on a surface times a circle

Aleksander Doan

I will discuss a generalisation of the 3-dimensional Seiberg-Witten equations which was introduced by Haydys and Walpuski in relation to the problem of defining the Casson invariant of G2-manifolds. The main difference from the classical setting is the lack of compactness, caused by so-called Fueter sections. In my talk I will explain how to tackle this problem and count the solutions in the special case when the underlying 3-manifold is the product of a Riemann surface and a circle. The main ingredient is a holomorphic description of the moduli space of solutions and its compactification. It allows us to relate our problem to classical results on theta divisors and stable bundles over complex curves.


Simons- Workshop: Recent Developments in the Mathematical study of Gauge Theory