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Universalities of thermodynamic signatures in topological phases

Cristiane Morais Smith

Topological insulators are states of matter distinguished by the presence of symmetry protected metallic boundary states. These edge modes have been characterised in terms of transport and spectroscopic measurements, but a thermodynamic description has been lacking. The challenge arises because in conventional thermodynamics the potentials are required to scale linearly with extensive variables like volume, which does not allow for a general treatment of boundary effects. Recently, this challenge has been overcome by using Hill thermodynamics to describe the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model in two dimensions [1]. In this extension of the thermodynamic formalism, the grand potential is split into an extensive, conventional contribution, and the subdivision potential, which is the central construct of Hill’s theory. For topologically non-trivial electronic matter, the subdivision potential captures measurable contributions to the density of states and the heat capacity: it is the thermodynamic manifestation of the topological edge structure. Subsequently, we extended this approach to different topological models in various dimensions (the Kitaev chain and Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in one dimension, the Kane-Mele model in two dimensions and the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model in three dimensions) at zero temperature. Surprisingly, all models exhibit the same universal behavior in the order of the topological-phase transition, depending on the dimension [2]. Moreover, we derived the topological phase diagram at finite temperature using this thermodynamic description, and showed that it displays a good agreement with the one


Simons- Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems