Talk page

Many-body localization in the disordered XY chain

Gunter Stolz

Describing the many-body localized phase in interacting quantum systems is currently an extremely active research area. Some consensus on the characteristics of this phase is now emerging, at least for fully many-body localized systems. However, fully rigorous proofs of any of these characteristics is still only possible for models which are governed by an effective one-particle Hamiltonian. One such model is the disordered XY chain, for which we will review known results. This includes absence of information transport in form of a zero-velocity Lieb-Robinson bound, rapid decay of correlations for eigenstates and thermal states, area laws for the entanglement of eigenstates, and boundedness of the entanglement dynamics of product states. This is joint work with Houssam Addul-Rahman, Eman Hamza, Bruno Nachtergaele and Robert Sims.


Simons- Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems