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Adiabatic Charge and Momentum Transport in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

Tankut Can

In this talk, I will show how charge and momentum transport in the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) are neatly described by adiabatic magnetic and geometric flux insertion. While the charge transport in bulk wave functions is very well understood, momentum transport seems less widely appreciated. I will demonstrate how momentum transport unambiguously reveals the odd (aka Hall) viscosity of the bulk FQH liquid, as well as the central charge of the edge theory. I will finish with a derivation of our results utilizing an effective description of defects in gapped FQH states as conformal primaries. This description also reveals the non-trivial braiding statistics of defects, and connects the linear response of flux insertion to the topological quantum numbers which follow from the Berry curvature.


Simons- Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter