Talk page

Transport and fractality in boundary-driven (quasi)disordered chains

Vipin Varma

In this talk we report on the response of (quasi)disordered spin-chains at high temperature to boundary driving through reservoirs at its ends. In the strongly interacting regime, we unveil a rich dynamical phase diagram that displays a panoply of transport properties --- for both energy and spin --- as an interplay between interaction and disorder strengths: localized, ballistic, superdiffusive, diffusive, and subdiffusive. These effects occur well away from the many-body localization critical point, and whilst the system is still deep in the ergodic phase. Similar anomalous transport is shown to occur in the quasidisordered system at criticality even without interactions; in addition, the nonequilibrium steady state here exhibits spatial fractality in many of its expectation values, opening an alternative route to experimentally probe a system's fractal properties in contrast to measuring quantum wavefunctions.


Simons- Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories