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A Tannakian interpretation of the elliptic infinitesimal braid Lie algebras

Pavel Etingof

The pro-unipotent completion of the pure braid group of n points on a genus 1 surface has been shown to be isomorphic to an explicit pro-unipotent group with graded Lie algebra using two types of tools: (a) minimal models (Bezrukavnikov), (b) the choice of a complex structure on the genus 1 surface, making it into an elliptic curve E, and an appropriate flat connection on the configuration space of n points in E (joint work of the authors with D. Calaque). Following a suggestion by P. Deligne, we give an interpretation of this isomorphism in the framework of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, using the total space E# of an affine line bundle over E, which identifies with the moduli space of line bundles over E equipped with a flat connection.This is joint work with Benjamin Enriquez.


Simons- Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory