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Exact solution of the Izergin-Korepin model with non-diagonal boundaries

Kun Hao

The Izergin-Korepin model with general non-diagonal boundary terms, a typical integrable model beyond A-type and without U(1)-symmetry, is studied via the off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method. Based on some intrinsic properties of the R-matrix and the K-matrices, certain operator product identities of the transfer matrix are obtained at some special points of the spectral parameter. These identities and the asymptotic behaviors of the transfer matrix together allow us to construct the inhomogeneous T − Q relation and the associated Bethe ansatz equations. In the diagonal boundary limit, the reduced results coincide exactly with those obtained via other methods. In the end, we simply talk about our recent development about orthogonal basis (F-basis) for the Izergin-Korepin model.


Simons- Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018