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Exact Correlators in the Wilson-Loop Defect CFT
I will discuss correlation functions of operator insertions on the 1/2-BPS Wilson loop in N=4 SYM. They can be regarded as the correlators of a defect CFT and presumably provide the simplest instance of 1d defect CFTs. After reviewing the known properties of this defect CFT, I will then focus on the computation of a special set of correlators which can be computed exactly using the combination of different techniques such as SUSY localization and OPE. The results at large N exhibit a remarkably simple structure and can be expressed in terms of the Q-functions of the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC), which hints at the potential applicability of QSC to the correlation functions. Finally, I will also talk about the generalization to the bulk-defect correlators. Based on 1802.0521, 1811.02369 and 1812.04593