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An optimal transport formulation of the Einstein equations of general relativity

Andrea Mondino

In the talk I will present a recent joint work with Stefan Suhr (Bochum) where give an optimal transport formulation of the full Einstein equations of general relativity, linking the (Ricci) curvature of a space-time with the cosmological constant and the energy-momentum tensor. Such an optimal transport formulation is in terms of convexity/concavity properties of the Shannon-Bolzmann entropy along curves of probability measures extremizing suitable optimal transport costs. The result gives a new connection between general relativity and optimal transport (compare with recent related work by Robert McCann); moreover it gives a mathematical reinforcement of the strong link between general relativity and thermodynamics/information theory that emerged in the physics literature of the last years.


Simons- Workshop: Convergence and Low Regularity in General Relativity