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Nonperturbative effects in SYK and Maxwell’s daemon

Mikhail Khramtsov

My talk is devoted to studies of nontrivial large N saddle points in the SYK model. I will discuss novel solutions of the saddle point equations, in particular the replica-nondiagonal ones. In the pure SYK such solutions give exponentially suppressed nonperturbative contributions to the 1/N expansion of the model. Next, we will consider the model of two SYK chains coupled via a nonlocal interaction, the Maxwell's daemon. It will be shown that this model has rich phase structure with an infinite amount of nontrivial phases with negative specific heat. Each such phase correspond to a nontrivial replica-nondiagonal saddle point of pure SYK, when the interaction is turned off. A unique feature of this nonlocal interaction is that it allows to describe the spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry by replica-nondiagonal solutions in SYK in terms of Bogolyubov quasi-averages. Finally, I will also comment on the model with local coupling between replicas dual to the traversable wormhole and compare it with the nonlocally coupled model.


Simons- Program: Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems