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Sensitivity of quantum information to environment perturbations measured with the out-of-time-order correlation function

Mohamad Niknam

In a quantum system coupled with a non-Markovian environment, quantum information may flow out of or into the system. Measuring quantum information flow and its sensitivity to perturbations is important for a better understanding of open quantum systems and for the implementation of quantum technologies. Information gets shared between a quantum system and its environment by means of system-environment correlations (SECs) that grow during their interaction. In this talk, I am going to present a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment for direct observation of the evolution of the SECs. The second moment of the observed SEC distribution is a natural metric for quantifying the flow of information between the system and the environment. I will also discuss the application of this experimental method in monitoring the evolution of entropy in our spin system. In a second experiment, by accounting for the environment dynamics, we study the sensitivity of the shared quantum information to perturbations in the environment. The metric used in this case is the out-of-time-order correlation function (OTOC). By analyzing the decay of the OTOC as a function of the SEC spread, instead of the evolution time, we are able to demonstrate its exponential behavior.


Simons- Program: Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems