Talk page

Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

Lea Santos

A major open question in studies of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics is the identification of the time scales involved in the relaxation process of isolated many-body systems. While there is consensus on what equilibration and thermalization mean in these systems, there is no agreement on how long they take to reach equilibrium. To answer this question, we look for dynamical manifestations of spectral correlations in different observables and use them to discuss a generalization of the Thouless time to interacting systems and to show that the relaxation time grows with system size. Our studies also include an analysis of the self-averaging properties of systems out of equilibrium. We show numerically and analytically that self-averaging properties depend not only on the presence or absence of chaos, but also on the quantity and the time scale considered.


Simons- SCGP Weekly Talk