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Review of FJRW theory

Guangbo Xu

In this talk, I will recall the detailed construction of FJRW theory (following Fan-Jarvis-Ruan) as the second part of the preparation for the symplectic geometry construction of the gauged linear sigma model (GLSM). The FJRW theory, also called the orbifold Landau--Ginzburg A-model theory, is a cohomological field theory associated to a pair $(W, G)$, where $W$ is a nondegenerate quasihomogeneous polynomial and $G$ is a symmetry group. The correlation functions are defined by counts of solutions to the Witten equation over higher spin curves in a way analogous to the construction of Gromov-Witten invariants. I will explain how to set up the Witten equation, how to properly perturb it, and if time permits, how to construct the virtual fundamental cycle and prove axioms of FJRW invariants.


Simons- Gauged linear sigma model and gauged Witten equation