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A mathematical theory of gauged linear sigma model in geometric phase

Guangbo Xu

In this talk, I will overview the symplectic geometric construction of Witten’s gauged linear sigma model (in a geometric phase). The construction is based on the analysis of the gauged Witten equation, which is a combination of the Witten equation as in FJRW theory and the vortex equation in gauged Gromov-Witten theory. The upshot is that the counts of solutions to the gauged Witten equation defines a cohomological field theory on the cohomology of the classical vacuum (e.g. the quintic threefold). If time permits, I will briefly explain how to prove the relation between GLSM correlation functions and Gromov--Witten invariants. This is a joint work with Gang Tian.


Simons- Gauged linear sigma model and gauged Witten equation